Working Amidst Turmoil

The Datonics R&D team in Israel is living and working through the current conflict. Below are accounts of individual experiences across our team.


Adi Pinhasi, CTO

Although I live in the north part of Israel, where rockets don't get to, I strongly feel the effect of recent events taking place in Israel and the Gaza strip. Last night on our way back from Ikea shopping, an earthly common task, we had to avoid a road blocked by protestors to reach home safely. 


Our company's Whatsapp group looks like this:

[22:00, 5/11/2021] are you ok there? Do you have a safe room?
[22:00, 5/11/2021] Tomorrow we all stay home. Working from home
[22:19, 5/11/2021] Yes all good, thank you! My room is a shelter :)
[22:21, 5/11/2021] Thank god. Stay safe. Hope for a quite night


Children stayed home with their parents today as schools were cancelled across a large part of the country. Then on the next international call, it's all business as usual...


Some overseas partners have reached out with well-wishes and we highly appreciate that.

To be perfectly honest, work is also a blessed distraction, a healthy escapism from the harsh reality.


We all hope that reason and hope soon return to our region. May the high-tech industry help bring a better life and more opportunities to all of the people in our region.



Yulia Fishelzon, Operations Manager

Second night spent in the shelter room.

Last night at 2 am the rocket hit a mile from my building.

I couldn't sleep so took a live picture from my balcony:

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Ira Estrin, Classification and Operations

I live in an old building in Ramat Gan. We don't have a shelter nearby, so every time there's an alarm we run out to the stairway, which is supposed to be the safest place in the building.


We sit there and wait for the alarm to be over and to hear the explosions of the missiles being intercepted. Not fun, to say the least.


On a happier note, it's a good opportunity to catch up with neighbors and share a few laughs in these uncertain times.

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