Datonics Eats Its Own Dog Food

At Datonics, we believe in eating our own dog food. In practicing what we preach. We believe that to truly serve the needs of our customers, we need to put ourselves in their shoes, try to replicate their projects, experience their challenges and successes, and iterate on our offering to make it better.

It’s the same principles that guided Shopify’s success from snowboard shop to one of the world’s biggest e-commerce platforms. Shopify. At Shopify, employees are encouraged to run their own stores so that they can better understand Shopify’s products and the merchant experience. Shopify employees, including their CEO, are constantly testing the platform through their own side businesses, enabling them to collect first-hand feedback and improve the product in a broader sense.

In an effort to better understand the merchant, we are introducing the Datonics Shopify Store. After all, understanding your users is what Audience Insights is all about.


We launched Audience Insights to help Shopify merchants to learn more about their customers and create better experiences for them. Audience Insights enables merchants to learn what customers buy, what motivates them, what makes them tick, and what inspires them and to gain comprehensive insight into the makeup of audiences across interests, behaviors, shopping preferences, age, gender, family, hobbies, income, education, occupation, political interest, and more. With that information, they can tailor product catalogs, styles and themes, copy, marketing efforts, and ad campaigns to be more relevant and inviting to shoppers and then monitor the impact of targeted campaigns, allocate media spend, and take action via Datonics' comprehensive datasets.


In the Datonics Shopify Store, customers can:

·         Schedule a lunch & learn from a premium assortment of local New York City establishments, or pick their own favorites through Grubhub, Seamless and Uber Eats

·         Coming Soon:

o   Nike Air Force 1’s

o   Datonics’ THC Cookies

o   Datonics branded Yeti

o   Programmatic industry conference tickets – paid for by Datonics

o   Datonics decals

o   Datonics branded journal


In The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, Alan Cooper writes about the issues that arise when the technologists who make the decisions about how technical products are created are out of touch with the end users of these products. Through the Datonics Shopify Store, we are not only able to offer exclusive Datonics experiences and products but, more importantly, we are able to learn who merchants are, what they need, how they work, so that we can design effectively for them.