Moneyball Everywhere

In the iconic movie Moneyball, data is used to source the best players for an underfunded baseball team. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the Moneyball concept could be applied to all aspects of life – where we use data to uncover the most efficient and effective opportunities.

It’s already happening, and there is so much more to uncover and apply.

We have seen data become a driving force in navigating the pandemic. Through case numbers, testing, hospitalization figures, deaths, vaccination numbers, and so much more, the world has been tracking the spread of the disease and creating policies based on the numbers to help people stay alive.

The pandemic is a big, global phenomenon, and the world has come together in ways we have never seen before to create solutions. The global data exchange is a fantastic case study to demonstrate the power of data.

Another challenge the globe faces is climate change. Environmental Protection is already benefitting from Big Data through networks of sensors that monitor air pollution, animal migration patterns, and energy and water use. The information collected is analyzed and systems are put into place to improve outcomes and create sustainable long-term solutions.

Data is also extremely beneficial on a local and personal scale.

Data can help us to keep energy costs down through tools that track energy consumption around our home through smart home technology. Data also allows us to experience safer car travel through tools that incentivize safe driving in smart cars.

And as we saw in Moneyball, data also can lead to financial gain.