Staying Fit and Healthy While Working from Home

Did you know that sitting in a chair all day can have similar effects on your organs as smoking?


Working from home has led some people to neglect their healthy habits like abandoning their daily exercise or giving up healthy eating. If you got your daily exercise at the gym or from walking in the City, you probably aren’t doing much of that anymore.


Rob Klein from our New York office is working hard to stay fit and healthy, both physically and mentally, while working from home. Without commuting daily, Rob is missing out on his daily walks to and from public transportation which also included several trips up and down the city subway’s stairs. And don't forget running to the subway and prying the doors open to avoid waiting for the next train!


Fortunately, Rob has come up with several quick and easy tips to improve physical and mental health while balancing Zoom meetings.


To begin, Rob suggests stepping away from your desk and heading outside for a walk. Walking

outside for ten minutes at least three times a day improves your heart health and also provides an opportunity to get fresh air and rest your eyes from the harsh blue light that radiates from your



To make walking less of an option, Rob recommends adopting a dog. There has been a surge in animal adoption during the pandemic, and for good reason! Animals serve as excellent emotional support and force us to get the physical activity we need.


If you are able to self-motivate, it’s best to get your exercise in in the morning, before the workday picks up. Rob likes to go on a 30 min run to get him energized for the day.


Rob also recommends taking a fifteen-minute mental break at least once a day. Meditating with an app like Headspace or Calm can have tremendous benefits, and there are also other free options online.


Finally, it is critical to keep personal relationships strong. Make time each day to connect with family or friends, even if it’s just over text or email.