Everything I Learned About Product Marketing, I Learned From Being In A Van Halen Tribute Band

By Pat Reinarts

I've been a frontman in cover bands since 1986.  These bands are ones you could find hacking away on a variety of music at your local VFW on any given Friday or Saturday.  I've dabbled in rock, funk, hip-hip, top 40, and against my personal preference...... country.  


In all fairness, there are many country acts I enjoy listening to.  My ITUNES playlists include songs from Johnny Cash, Toby Keith, Zac Brown, Waylon Jennings, and Willie Nelson.  Alabama is a particular pontooning favorite.  However, there is one sub genre of country music that caused me to rethink my side hustle...."BRO COUNTRY".  I'm all for making a fool out of myself in front of a large crowd of anonymous people, but I had to draw the line at Luke Bryan.  Pride is not my greatest virtue, but I could no longer keep the act going.  I had enough!


Music has been a faithful companion of mine since birth.  Performing music has been a passion for decades.  I recently did some self reflecting and realized my days of commanding a stage were numbered.   If I was going to dedicate any more of my time towards gigging I needed to be true to myself.  I needed to launch a new band dedicated to the greatest American band in ROCK HISTORY and that band is THE MIGHTY VAN HALEN!  


Of course, launching a successful band is no different than launching a new product.  This is what I learned from being in the tribute band JUMP: The Music of Van Halen:



  • Defining the Product. If you are not a fan of your own product, then walk away. I have a passion for all things Van Halen. My earliest memory is hearing the intro to "Running With The Devil '' turned up to 11 on my older brother's Panasonic, Hi-FI Stereo circa 1978. The recent untimely death of their lead guitarist, Edward Van Halen, has generated a halo effect driving more interest and nostalgia. The music world has come back to my favorite band and I want to be a part of paying them their rightful respects.

  • Defining the Target Market. My first inclination was to target those that grew up and followed the heavy metal bands of the 80's. However, I've been amazed at the audience dynamics. It's not uncommon to see a teenager in attendence, along with most likely their parents (and grandparents!) listening to the soundtrack of their youth. That's when it hit me, it's not about THE MUSIC. People want to be entertained. If you want to save the world, go see a U2 cover band.

Which led me to, most importantly

  • Defining the Brand Image . Van Halen has powerful music. As David Lee Roth once said, " If you need to lift anything heavy play some Van Halen". What I like most about the band however was unsurpassed entertainment value. The deep catalogue of hits, the areral tactics, the humor. No one before or no one sense can match it. JUMP must then try to replicate. When you come to see JUMP, you are not coming for the music alone. You are coming for the event. Come for the guitar solo, stay for the debauchery!

  • Product Launch /Go To Market - COVID has put a halt to our promotional efforts. Venues have shut down. Only until recently has Minnesota lifted COVID restrictions. We are essentially re-starting the scheduling of performances and driving awareness. I'm constantly looking for unique ways to self promote. Our first gig is Wannigan Days in lovely St Croix Falls, WI.


If you're in town stop by, if not I'll be sure to tell you all about it!
