Our Commitment to Giving

Once the last of the Thanksgiving dishes has been washed and the last college student returns to their dorm, feelings of overflowing gratitude are further channeled into Giving Tuesday. Today is a day where organizations turn inwards and embark on a mission of generosity investing time, energy, and donations to helping the communities around them and those that are needy.

Datonics is an organization that leads by an example of generosity and has always put giving back as a priority. From the onset of the global pandemic, Datonics jumped into assistance and pledged $25K to support local businesses and restaurants that so desperately needed support to stay afloat. Through a brilliant strategy of encouraging working from home employees to order lunch from these local spots, the rewards were immeasurable for these restaurants.

We partnered with the Fund for Public Schools to ensure every student forced into remote learning would have access to the technology necessary to participate in school. This partnership provides devices to students and bridges the gap for those who would otherwise not have this opportunity. In Q4 2020, we launched the Data for Food Initiative to battle food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic, especially for young children. The pledge for this initiative was for 2.75% of Datonics’ revenue generated by specific campaigns would be donated to desired charities or local food banks in both NY and Toronto.

The work doesn’t stop there. We’ve partnered with the following organizations in our latest giveback initiative to help make every corner of our planet better:

- Futures & Options
- Team Daya
- One Tree Planted
- Girls Who Code
- Center for Employment Opportunities
- The Nature Conservancy

These initiatives continue to be the basis of Datonics mission, to channel our skills into efforts that better the world and communities around us. This Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to reflect inward and see what needs to be done in the world and actively take steps to help those around us who are in need of support.