Recognizing Small Business Saturday

Datonics recognizes Small Business Saturday, in which all those hard working and creative behind-the-scenes ruling entrepreneurs are celebrated!  

Shopify is a platform that celebrates small businesses and what they each bring to the table. What makes small businesses so unique is the ability to see a small team give an idea or project their whole undivided efforts and hopefully watch those efforts build something great. The level of personalization to each customer and order is unparalleled with a high level of human contact and support. Small businesses pride themselves on giving their customers an experience they won’t forget when engaging with the business. They continuously learn from their customers and adapt the business model they have established to better reflect their customers' changing needs and wants. 

With this mindset, Datonics launched Audience Insights on the Shopify platform to further help small businesses thrive with their e-commerce sites. This insight is crucial for small businesses with limited funds because by understanding your customer base you can use funds in the most optimal way that would speak to those clients.  

With the Shopping Preferences Dashboard feature, you can learn what customers are in the market for and focus on getting sales conversions from those avenues. This insight can also help with marketing performance and hone in on customers close to completing a purchase.  

Another incredible feature is the Demographics Dashboard, which provides advanced data on your clients such as milestones, anniversaries, and other life events that can be beneficial.  

Running a small business is tough, and the more you know the more you will want to know! Audience Insights is a crucial factor to help you step up that game and provide the quality customer experience that makes shopping from a small business so meaningful.