Global Reconnections - Datonics Prepares for 2022 Events Season

The US Datonics team has enjoyed recent industry events, live concerts, sporting and networking events during which our team has had an opportunity to mingle with partners and colleagues. It’s been a welcome change from the time we all spent apart during the height of the pandemic.

Last week brought more welcome news with the US lifting the international travel ban, which has been in place since March 2020.

The end to the ban comes at an important time, allowing friends and family to reunite for the holidays. From a business perspective, the ban comes at just the right time for companies to start considering hosting colleagues from abroad and for key Q1 2022 industry events to welcome international residents.

Datonics is planning as well! We have begun our comeback to the conference circuit and are already planning on attending several much-anticipated Q1 2022 industry events such as SXSW, RampUp and IAB Leadership Summit. And now our international team – made up of R&D in Israel - is able to join us.

Some may say the biggest draw are the Texas BBQ and breakfast tacos.

We are hopeful the borders will stay open so that we can share in these experiences with our global colleagues and partners.