Shopify for the Holidays

It's the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR, especially for Shopify merchants! Holiday time is upon us and that means that shopping is abound all around us! Parents are busy gifting purchases from e-commerce shops, and this year that has meant a trip to Shopify shops. So, while frantic boyfriends try to shop for the last-minute perfect gift and parents are sitting in the kitchen till the late hours wrapping up presents for the kids, e-commerce sites are feeling the holiday spirit as their products are being sold at an exponential rate. 

This is where Datonics Audience Insights has come in to help merchants sell even more!

This time of year is a frenzy of shopping and the way to fully grasp the potential of sales at the time is with this Audience Insights app. With the Demographics dashboard, e-commerce owners can home in on advanced customer demographic data in order to segment potential and returning customers.

Segmenting customers with Audience Insights allows you to learn whether your customers are shopping for themselves, for their kids, for a significant other and much more!

Happy Holidays from Datonics to you and your loved ones!