Datonics Research - Political Data
The 2024 U.S. election will be shaped by the diverse voting behaviors of multiple generations, each with its own main issues, controversial subjects and concerns. From the more traditional views of older voters to the progressive and tech-savvy outlook of younger generations like Gen Z, understanding these dynamics is crucial. With voter turnout expected to remain high, targeting specific demographic segments is essential.
Datonics offers valuable tools for tailoring strategies to different age groups and interests, ensuring effective engagement with the electorate.
Behavioral Audience
The impact and importance of each generation is diverse, with its own main interests, issues and controversial subjects.
According to Pew Research Center, 66% of eligible voters turned out for the elections in 2020, it was the highest rate for any national election since 1900.
Speaking about party affiliations, voters choose the Democratic or Republican party almost evenly (49% Democrats, 50% Republicans).
According to Statista, the main voting power belongs to voters aged 45 and more. 71% of people aged 65+, 65% of people aged 45-64, and 55% of people aged 25-44 voted in the elections of 2020. The statistics are predicted to be similar this year.
According to Statista, the percentages of adults likely to vote in the 2024 election are: 89% definitely voting from the Greatest/Silent Generation, 94% definitely voting from the Baby Boomers, 88% definitely voting from Gen X and 80% definitely voting from Gen Y/Millennials.
However, this year we have a new player on the field, and this is Gen Z.
The Gen Z Influence
Generation Z, born roughly between 1997 and 2012, is emerging as a significant voting bloc in U.S. elections. They tend to prioritize progressive issues like climate change and social justice. Their turnout in recent elections, such as 2020, has been strong, driven by their digital fluency and activism on social media. As more Gen Z voters come of age, they are expected to increasingly influence the political landscape, contrasting with the generally more conservative leanings of older generations.
Generation Z is estimated to make up about 17-18%, which is around 40.8 million voters of the eligible voters in the 2024 U.S. election. Their growing presence in the electorate gives them significant potential influence on the election outcomes.
What can Datonics offer?
Since age plays a crucial role, Datonics offers a diverse selection of age segments. For example:
Demographics > Age > 18-24
Demographics > Age > 25-34
Demographics > Age > 35-44
Demographics > Age > 45-54
Demographics > Age > 55-64
Demographics > Age > 65+
To help streamline efforts and add precision, Datonics offers age categories by generation, enabling the ability to target specific groups with ease and accuracy:
Demographics > Age > Baby Boomers
Demographics > Age > Gen X
Demographics > Age > Millennials
Demographics > Age > Gen Z
An interesting fact is that 88% of voters who have a college degree said that they are definitely voting in the 2024 presidential election, according to Statista. In comparison, only 86% of people without college degrees were definitely planning to vote in November.
Corresponding Datonics segments are helpful to account for this behavior:
Demographics > Education Level > High School Diploma
Demographics > Education Level > Incomplete College Degree
Demographics > Education Level > College Degree
Datonics also offers segments that focus on interests, which can also help to reach those coveted Gen Z audiences.
Internet & Software
Electronics > Gaming & Video Games
Electronics > Gaming & Video Games > Online Games
Electronics > Gaming & Video Games > Gamers
And in terms of social issues, Datonics offers segments including:
Green Products
Lifestyle > Environment Conscious > Sustainable Green Living Enthusiasts
Premium > Lifestyle > Green Awareness